Get Involved

In the current climate, the LGBTQ+ individuals in our community require essential resources, secure spaces, and genuine support. Lancaster County Chooses Love is dedicated to cultivating and distributing these resources and supporting our community, and we would LOVE your help in doing this important work. Consistent, genuine support is crucial for making a lasting impact, and we have made quite an impact thus far!

For example,

  • In 2024 we served over 20,000 individuals at our food pantry!
  • We distributed well over 100,000 pounds of food in 2023!
  • Our Pride event has grown each year! Our 2022 Pride event included just over 1,000 individuals; our 2023 Pride Festival was attended by almost 3,000 people; and our 2024 Pride Festival had almost 3500 attendees!
  • We’ve increased our capacity by hiring two full-time staff members, and several part-time staff members–we also doubled the size of our Board from four to eight members!
  • Our volunteers have invested over 25,000 hours of their time to the organization.

How can YOU get involved?


Did you know that, for our first 2.5 years, Lancaster County Chooses Love operated entirely through the dedication of volunteers? Although we’ve been slowly building our staff team, volunteers remain the heartbeat of our organization. That’s where individuals like YOU come in. If you’re eager to join us in making a real impact, simply click the link below. The first step is to complete an info form, and once approved, you can start signing up for shifts, actively participating, and making a meaningful difference in our community!


Mutual Aid:

Keep an eye on our social media pages for requests for mutual aid. This type of assistance can take on various forms, such as monetary aid, sharing resources, or contributing skills and expertise. Unlike traditional charity models, where aid is often one-directional, mutual aid emphasizes the idea that everyone has something valuable to contribute, and reaffirms the idea that the well-being of one is tied to the well-being of all. Rather than individuals contributing to a nonprofit organization which then distributes resources, mutual aid entails direct assistance to individuals in need. If you require mutual aid or wish to offer assistance, please email

Clothing/Food Donation:

Our Resource Center welcomes donations during our operating hours on Wednesdays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Along with pantry staples, we also appreciate donations like toiletries, paper products, laundry detergent, and sanitary supplies. And our clothing closet can always use more clean, gently used or new clothing items! For more information, or to set up a time to donate outside of operating hours, please email

We believe that small actions can collectively contribute to creating a more inclusive and accepting society for everyone. No matter how you choose to support us, we thank you for CHOOSING LOVE!